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If India is the Taj Mahal, then Madagascar is the Avenue of the Baobabs – and even if you don’t know the name, you’ll more than certainly recognise the photos. The ‘avenue’ is in fact a dusty, red road, linking the capital of the region, Morondova, to a small hamlet on the Tsiribihina River, 100-kilometres away. It’s flanked by a procession of enormous baobabs that reach their spindly fingers high into the sun-soaked sky, some a staggering 30 metres tall. “But they’re just baobabs”, you might say. Well, yes, but what makes them so spectacular is the lack of surrounding foliage. Here, it’s just you, the gnarled trees and some of the best photographs of your trip. Look out for the baobab amoreux, two trees twisted around each other in an eternal hug, and the sacred baobab, believed to the burial site of an ancient King.