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Along the Zambezi River's great circuit, it replenishes the waters of Lake Kariba, a sprawling inland sea where super (and we mean super) herds of buffalo and elephant congregate, while the surrounding wilderness of Matusadona is home to the rest of the Big Five and much more. This was the place of Operation Noah, a rescue mission for thousands upon thousands of animals trapped by rising waters in the 1950s and since then, populations have flourished. Take in the view from tiny Kariba Town and learn the legend behind its near-destruction, as told by the Batonga people who lost their land in its construction. The sunsets are truly spectacular, especially from the water. Watch as the lake shimmers in a kaleidoscopic of pinks and yellows, oranges and reds, framed by the looming Matuzviadonha Mountains and the inky black fingers of the drowned leadwood trees. Wow.